The Art of X

Hello, I'm Mukund Vijayaraghavan. Here you will find fun in-depth essays or research on focused subjects, one at a time.

An analysis of the #song Jambi by the band Tool. It is a powerful song both musically and lyrically, holding personal significance of some nature to the writer.


This is an essay borrowed from my personal blog. It would be a waste not to publish it here; it came to me spontaneously, fully formed in my mind as soon as I was done reading the book.


Hoplite is a little gem of a #game created by indie game developer Magma Fortress, originally for the 2013 7DRL Challenge. This will be a #breakdown as well as an experience #critique (~eight years late, but better late than never!).


These are all the resources I came across when researching information disorder (dis, mis, and mal information). Information disorder is a modern pandemic, and a particularly dangerous and worrisome one at that. It has been superlatively amplified by the Internet and the huge reach that it provides.


Welcome. This will be a place of learning, of understanding, of study and research. This may not be for you. This is a part of my commitment to being a lifelong learner.